I never like book trailers. They are never as cool or intense as the book is. In fact they usually turn me off the book.
But then I watched the trailer for The Devil Inside by Jenna Black, and I totally loved it. Whoever made this trailer did a great job and it adds to the anticipation of the book nicely. Read the post below for info on The Devil Inside.
Check out the fabulous excerpt from the book and Jenna Black's website. I have a very good feeling about this book.
11-28-07. Okay, The Devil Inside…um… where do I start?
I’m PMSing so take all this with a grain of salt.
I didn’t love it. But I’ll totally keep reading this series…
Okay, I know where to start.
Let’s start with the good: Jenna has created a new world where demons are the new vampires. Meaning that demons are everywhere, there are fanatics for and against them. There are demon heroes, demon bad guys, demon executioners, demons up your ass. Literally.
Here’s the part that bothers me, it’s A LOT like vintage Anita Blake. And while vintage AB is what makes LKH able to show her face in public, it wasn’t perfect to begin with. And therefore we should be better than the original when we “cover” it. Like a song.
Our Heroine in The Devil Inside, Morgan, is like homage to AB (pre-Obsidian Butterfly). She’s closed minded. Thinks that the gays want to do her (thus not getting the concept of GAY). And is a lone wolf, as in, “I work alone.” She even has an annoying BFF who is even more of a tight ass than her, ala AB.
Also, why make your gay characters sadists? I know it was a plot point, but fuck, can we have some balance? How about a gay demon who isn’t into S&M?
Please don’t take this to mean I didn’t enjoy the book, in fact I read it straight through. Even though I had to work the next morning, I put it down completely finished around four-thirty am. This is a great start to a wonderful new series. And I am positive that Black’s characters will grow and change in the best possible ways. Buy the book, it’s worth it.
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